

Once Upon a Time … Bedtime Stories Were Just for Kids

By Hillary Richard

Around 10 p.m., Lindsay Colford settles into bed with the dulcet drawl of Matthew McConaughey, who is about to take her on an audio journey through the cosmos until she falls asleep.

Ms. Colford is not alone. Thousands of other adults are now sleeping with storytellers. In our never-ending quest to get a good night's sleep, bedtime stories are the latest weapon in the arsenal.

No longer just for children, bedtime stories are now a key part of many mindfulness and meditation apps, which boomed in popularity throughout the pandemic. There's a reason adults are drawn to bedtime stories, and it goes beyond whimsy and nostalgia.

“A bedtime story works by detracting the mind from self-sabotaging thoughts and worries, which allows the body's adrenaline to come down so the brain can transition into the sleep state," said Dr. Christine Won, associate professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine.

“Bedtime stories help me zone out. Sometimes I don't even remember going to sleep," said Ms. Colford.

Rebecca Robbins, an instructor at Harvard Medical School, said bedtime stories for adults make perfect sense.

“Children are among the most well-rested in our society," she said. "It is easy to think that we, as adults, are somehow immune or too mature for these habits. But the truth is we could all benefit from applying the techniques we use with kids."


